The ones doing the work
My dogs are all rescues or adoptions. My wife is pretty adamant that there are plenty of good dogs out there that need a home. It takes a little time, but she was right. All three of our current birders are adoptions. I worked with a trainer to get started with Luna. I started Odin and Bruder myself, the remainder of their training I completed and I love training dogs as much as I enjoy hunting birds.

Luna was the first and the co-founder of LRO. She is a a silver lab. Regardless of the debates on silvers, she is one, and a fine one at that. Lucky for me, (unlucky for him) a buddy of mine- well, lets just say he didn't fare well on the marriage front. I had joked with him when they got the pup, not to mess up my next hunting dog. Well, it came to fruition. They decided they couldn't keep her in their current situation. Luna is amazing. She is a great flusher and a fantastic retriever. Her nose is impeccable. She is a close ranging flusher. If she gets too far out, she will sit on a whistle blow and wait for ya. She is great upland and with age has became a great dove and duck dog as well. When we adopted her, I was headed to Tacoma for work and took her with me. I dropped her with John Greer at Tiger Mountain Pointing Labs and he worked her for 3 weeks in his puppy program. Got her birdy and gun broke for me. I took it from there. Luna only lacks mountain quail to have successfully hunted all 6 species. She has also hunted very well on pheasant, dove, duck, goose, ruffed grouse, blue grouse, and chukar. If you aren't a dog person, all bird dogs are a bit neurotic and have, well quirks in their personalities. Luna is a thief. She likes to steal socks, shorts, or whatever you intend on wearing.

Odin is our second. I got an email from a good friend. He received a lead on a pup up for adoption. Guess he was a handful and was eating rocks, had behavioral issues, etc. He is a well bred wirehaired pointer (although a slick coat) and just needed to do what he was born to do. Hunting fixed his behavioral issues. Well, most of them. He has the best nose I have seen and a ridiculous drive. He will track a covey for an incredible distance and is very cautious not to flush or get to tight on the birds. Sometimes I just tell clients to stay with him and let him work his magic. Check out his video under the gallery. He tracked a single up a draw for over 1/4 mile. When training, I have to plant birds at a ridiculous distance or he scents them getting out of the truck. Never trained him as a retriever for blind work but he has figured it out on his own and performed well last dove season. Odin is referred to by some clients as "The King".

Meet Kleiner Bruder (Little Brother) Yes, another adoption/rescue. Chased this little guy around. He was given up for adoption at the pound, reclaimed, sold, then the last owners realized they couldn't provide him with the life he needed. That's where I came in. I cannot thank the last owners enough. Beautiful AKC German short-haired Pointer pup. He was born January 2015. Birdy little guy. I forgot how bad puppies can be, but he reminded me daily. Great bloodline, ridiculous drive, and a good nose. UPDATE: Bruder broke out last season and stole the show. He really has developed into a incredible bird dog.
This little pocket pointer is our latest. A beautiful little GSP. Bella Regaza Tedesca. She is another adoption that found us. Her owner was going through a lot in life and this little white hot ball of energy was more than she could deal with at the time and knew she needed a hunting life. Well here she is. She will hunt her first season in 2019/20. Progressing fast in our training program. She is a lot to handle, but that has translated into a hunting machine. I cant wait to get her out there!

In Memory- We lost the old man Kottos in 2018. Kottos was, well Kottos. We never learned what he was, other than a great companion, training assistant, co-pilot, and lizard hunter. He was the greatest gift I have ever received. He wasn't a birder, just my buddy. He helped set up for training and rode shotgun for dove hunts and training days. He is sorely missed, but lived a great 16 years
If you plan to train your own, do your homework. Two great trainers with good books and video series to train you on how to do it on below links