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2014/15 Mearns season pics

Some shots from clients guided in the 14/15 season
First Mearns
An avid bird hunter, but his first
Mearns and my first hunt for the 14/15
"I hunted Mearns quail with Kelly, Luna, and Odin. They were great to spend time with afield. Not only did we find birds in bunches and as singles, but I was put in the right places at the right times to have good shots. Of the three days I hunted quail, the days with Kelly and his dogs were the best." Harrison
A couple of great guys.  Constant ribbing, good stories, great day
Local clients

"What a great time I had hunting Mearns quail with LunaRita Outfitters.  The guide service was excellent with good dog work and the experience will never be forgotten.  Hope to go many more times". - Doug Kimble

World class hunters 
These clients have hunted the world over for a lot of game. Adding border Mearns to the list. "This was the best day of Mearns hunting we have ever had"- Russel


Single hunter
His hunting partner had to cancel.  He had a great day.  We just kept running into coveys and singles

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