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Upland Guide Ernie's Pups

LRO Guide Ernie is currently running all GSP (German Shorthaired Pointers.  All but one cam from Desert Point Kennels in Wellton, AZ.  Zeus was an adoption out of California that was meant to be.  I'll let Ernie tell you about his pups in his own words below


"Cool Hand Luke" was born January 2016. Seven weeks later I brought him and we haven't been apart except a two week hunt I was on in Colorado.  Luke is a giant for a GSP at 90 pounds.  Luke was a willing participant and a absolute joy to train.  Kelly and I put in months of hard work on obedience, stopping on scent, holding to the flush and everything else you'd expect in a finished pointer.  By the end of last season, the wild birds had taught Luke how to bring it all together.  the result is a bird dog that I am immensely proud of and blessed to call... my best friend.

Special thanks to Randy Randall at Desert Point Kennels in Wellton, AZ.  Luke is the first of three I have from DPK.


"Remi"   After my good fortune with Cool Hand Luke, I decided to give Randy at Desert Point Kennels a call in search of a second pup.  Remington was born in August of 2017.  From the very beginning little 'Remi' was a very curious pup and eager to learn.  She gets into everything and spends her free time looking for shoes or articles of clothing (especially socks) to retrieve.  She is by far the smartest and busiest of my pups.  She is also constantly watching me.  The pups could all be sound asleep but she will get up and follow me as I move throughout the house or yard.


Her field work really hit high gear last year towards the end of the season.  Her best mearns quail point required her to hold on point for several minutes.  The terrain was so rugged it took that long to reach her.  She held tight for the hunter to flush the bird and she was rewarded with a great retrieve.  There is no greater reward than to have hunters compliment your pups.


"Zeus"  was already a trained dog when he joined the pack.  He came from  the San Diego area.  His previous home was clearly a happy one because he came to me very well socialized and loving to hunt birds.  Their situation was such that they were unable to keep him and as fate would have it, mutual acquaintances contacted Kelly and before I knew it I was shooting birds over five year old Zeus.


Zeus absolutely loves to hunt and is all business in the field.  His picture perfect point should be in a pointing dog textbook.  At home he is a happy, spoiled baby that always wants on your lap and ear scratching.


Special Thanks to Holland Mason for doing a great job raising Zeus.


"Iron Will" is still a bit rough around the edges but at ten months he's pointing, holding to shot, retrieving and honoring another dogs point. This year's bird crop should really hone him and put a fine edge on him.  

Everything he does he does with reckless abandon.  The other dogs go to the vet for shots and check ups.  Will goes for treatment; cuts, bumps, bruises, priaprism... you know, the usual teenage stuff.

Will never got the memo that he's too young to be hunting birds.  He is following Luke and Remi's lead.  Another great pup from Desert Point Kennels.  Thanks to Randy Randall at DPK.

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